Næsta hátíð: 18 - 21. September 2023
Umsóknarfrestur: Ágúst 2024
Hvar? Hamborg, Þýskaland
Hversu margir mæta? 37,000
Svið: 70 (50 – 2000 capacity)
Reeperbahn Festival
Reeperbahn Festival er fjögurra daga bransahátíð sem haldin er árlega í lok september í Hamborg.
Hátíðin heldur utan um 500 tónleika á fjölmörgum stöðum á og í kringum hina goðsagnakenndu Reeperbahn götu í Hamburg, ásamt viðburðum á sviði myndlistar, kvikmynda og bókmennta.
Hátíðin var stofnuð árið 2006 og hefur síðan þá orðið einn mikilvægasti samkomustaður tónlistariðnaðarins um allan heim og stærsta hátíð sinnar tegundar í Evrópu.
Ráðstefnudagskrá Reeperbahn Festival er gerð fyrir fólk sem er virkt í tónlistar geiranum og býður upp á fundi, sýningar, netviðburði eða verðlaunaafhendingar.
Indie, popp, rokk, þjóðlagatónlist, hip-hop/rapp, pönk, samtíma, raf, r'n'b/soul, djass
Dæmi um listamenn sem komu fram á Reeperbahn Festival áður en þau sprungu út:
Aurora, Bon Iver, Boys Noize, Crystal Castles, Ed Sheeran, Emiliana Torrini, Gold Panda, Lykke Li, Mac Demarco, TV On The Radio
Held annually in late September, the four-day Reeperbahn Festival, a hybrid of music festival and international platform for the music and digital industries, is a trailblazing, forward-looking event for music fans and industry professionals alike around Hamburg’s Reeperbahn. Since its debut in 2006, the Festival has grown to become one of the most important meeting places for the music industry worldwide, and, as Europe’s largest club festival, it boasts a broad spectrum of emerging artists.
In addition to some 500 concerts by international artists held in a wide variety of venues, the festival programme includes events in the fields of fine art, film, and literature.
The Reeperbahn Festival conference programme is designed for professionals active in the music and creative digital industries and features sessions, showcases, networking events, or awards ceremonies. New since 2016: The ANCHOR – Reeperbahn Festival International Music Award – The new accolade for the most promising emerging music talents.
Musical directions:
Indie, Pop, Singer-Songwriter, Rock, Folk, Hip-Hop/Rap, Punk, Contemporary, Electronic, R’n’B/ Soul, Jazz
Artists that performed at Reeperbahn before they grew big:
Aurora, Bon Iver, Boys Noize, Crystal Castles, Ed Sheeran, Emiliana Torrini, Gold Panda, Lykke Li, Mac Demarco, TV On The Radio