Winnipeg Folk Festival
Winnipeg Folk Festival eru góðgerðarsamtök sem ekki eru rekin í hagnaðarskyni. Þessi sumarþjóðlagahátíð er haldin í Birds Hill Provincial Park, nálægt Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kanada. Hátíðin býður upp á ýmiskonar listamenn og hljómsveitir frá öllum heimshornum og fjölda kanadíska listamanna.
Á hverju ári bætast listamenn í hópinn frá öllum Norður-Ameríku og um allan heim. Winnipeg Folk Festival hýsir yfir 70 listamenn árlega frá næstum 10 mismunandi löndum, þar á meðal Ástralíu, Kólumbíu, Íslandi, Írlandi, Mexíkó, Hollandi, Níger, Bretlandi og fleirum, en meirihluti listamanna kemur frá Kanada og Bandaríkjunum
Bluegrass, Celtic, blues, roots, indie folk, Americana, folk rock, French Canadian, contemporary singer-songwriters, og lög fyrir og eftir börn.
The Winnipeg Folk Festival is a nonprofit charitable organization with an annual summer folk music festival held in Birds Hill Provincial Park, near Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The festival features a variety of artists and music from around the world and is sure to include a number of local artists.
There is a large variety of music at the festival, including bluegrass, Celtic, blues, roots, indie folk, Americana, folk rock, French Canadian, contemporary singer-songwriters, and a variety of children's performers. Every year artists join the lineup from all over North America and across the world. The Winnipeg Folk Festival hosts over 70 artists annually from nearly 10 different countries including Australia, Colombia, Iceland, Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands, Niger, United Kingdom and more with the majority of the acts coming from Canada and the United States
Musical directions:
Bluegrass, Celtic, blues, roots, indie folk, Americana, folk rock, French Canadian, contemporary singer-songwriters, and a variety of children's performers