LA tengslamyndunarferð mars 2022

Hin árlega tengslamyndunarferð NOMEX til Los Angeles fer fram 29.-31. mars næstkomandi. ÚTÓN tekur þátt í verkefninu sem hluti af NOMEX og verða allt að 4 aðilar frá Íslandi valdir til þátttöku. Að þessu sinni verður áherslan á umboðsmenn og get bæði sjálfstætt starfandi umboðsmenn og umboðsfyrirtæki sótt um þátttöku.

Hér má lesa meira um tengslamyndunarferðina á ensku:

The Nordic Music Trade Mission to Los Angeles in 2022 is a networking and capacity building program for Nordic music managers working in popular music including hip hop, rock/metal, indie/pop, as well as songwriter and producer management.

The mission updates participants on insights and networks on the U.S. music and entertainment market in general, legal tips on visa/immigration, taxing and business management, as well as topics specific to the Los Angeles music scene, such as networks within the sync business and how to work within the songwriting game.

The program includes online meetings and a trade mission in Los Angeles. In the preparatory online meetings in February and March the managers will meet with the Nordic group and some of the L.A. networks before the trip. In Los Angeles in 29-31 March, the mission includes company visits, round table conversations among managers, panel conversations and a networking reception. The company visits, round table conversations and meetings will be tailored to the Nordic managers participating the mission.

Please note, if the situation with covid develops so that the live trip cannot be organized in March, new dates will be scheduled to Fall 2022. 

The Nordic Music Trade Mission to Los Angeles has been hosted since 2016. In the past years the program has included company visits and meetings with the likes of Kobalt, AWAL, Netflix, Fox Studios, Warner Music etc. and a heavy focus on sync. This year the focus is for the first time in management and the peer networks.

“I was inspired to form my company INNI after the Nordic Trade Mission in 2018 and it's been a pinnacle part of our company and success.” - Colm O’Herlihy, INNI Music, Iceland.

“This was an excellent opportunity and wonderful learning process to really meet some key people of synch world and get very practical guidance on how to do good pitching!” - Kari Pössi (Blue Buddha Management, Finland)

“I’ve listened obsessively to the music we got from the first session. I have some new favorite artists. I couldn’t be happier with the connections. Thank you!”  - Andrea von Foerster, music supervisor, Firestarter Music


Apply through your local export office by January 31st, 2022

Application should include company info, bio, photo and objectives for attending the mission (in English).

A maximum 4 managers/companies per country will be chosen to attend the mission.

Bryndís Jónatansdóttir